Crypto currency could be a confusing subject that baffles even the tech entrepreneurs. Most people just do not have the time to churn through the gazillion amount of articles out there to get self-learned on crypto. It is almost like the higher mathematics homework that we all dreaded and put off till the end of the holiday.
But crypto should be fun. It is fun with all the activities you could do with it and all the buzz in the market. This string of articles aim at cruising you through the world of bitcoin, doge, ETC and more. The information will be easy and straight forward at first, but more complex as we go deeper into this world. Don’t get disheartened if you find yourself not understanding, it’s oaky, nobody fully understands all the nitty gritty of the blockchain and crypto world. Always remember, knowing is more important than understanding. If you don’t understand, just remember it. Very soon things will start making sense to you.
To infinity and beyond, let’s start this journey together.
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